Way too late. And way too much to tell.
First of all, Xenne is doing great. Sandra & KK went to the hospital in Bangkok today to have him measured and weighted. A total of 9.3 kilograms and 75 centimeters. So he has grown a bit since the last time he was checked. And while we all waited (yes i did hitch a ride again in Sandra's bag) Xenne loved being carted around in a small toy car for which he is officially way too young but he loved and loved it. And when they stopped he wasn't very pleased and try to make it move himself.
Tomorrow we'll all fly to Yangon again. It is holiday time this week. And since Sandra had to renew her visa anyway, we all flew to BKK to pick up Sandra's parents who will fly with us to Yangon tomorrow. Horror of horrors, we fly at 7.15 tomorrow morning. Way to early for us skunks!
Unfortunately we miss the festival of lights almost completely. It is being celebrated in Burma right now( or yesterday, i'm not sure). And will be celebrated here in Thailand tomorrow. The end of Waso, the buddist fasting period and it is a big celebration. Oh well, maybe again next year....
For the rest, Sandra loves her work at the small school where she is teaching now. A lot different from the huge school with big classes (up to 26 kids) and enormous numbers (for grade for there were 4A to 4K classes...) and 4 different classes over 2 different grades and three classes were for english and one class she had to teach history and geography.... Now she teaches 13 kids in grade 2. All subjects apart from Music, PE, Art, Myanmar and Computer. And she is much more involved with the kids. Some of them are a real challenge (problems at their former, highly respected international schools where the teachers couldn't/wouldn't deal with them). And for math she has a heavily autistic kid that comes to class. So work heas to be prepared way in advance for that time. Luckily she has a great assisitent teacher and loads of support from the admin (exactly the opposite at the school where she was teaching in june-july).And great kids. So she hasn't regretted her choose to change schools one single moment.
KK's teashop has been sold. It kept loosing money. So it was a nice try but nevertheless a failure. SO up to the next adventure business wise.... For the time being it means that KK's brother who was runnign the shop is living in with us. Not that we have a lot of space. But Sandra doesn't complain, he cooks a lot better than the maid/babysitter........
Ok , that's it for now. Sandra wants to go and pack. It is late enough and she doesn't want to do the packing any time tomorrow morning. We leave the hotel at 5 (AM!!!)