Saturday, April 28, 2007

We're ok

I think i finally found a way to get past the block that is on blogs nowadays. So if this really works, i'll hopefully be able to keep you all more informed. We’re back in Burma already for a while.

Sandra might have a job interview today. So we really have to go and make the phonecall so she can meet the head of the school. Today would be great since we all have some other places we want to visit. 

Ok, let's see if this works.


darmissan tussen deu.... said...

yes, it works !

Anonymous said...

You're alive and well! Awesome! Good luck on the interview. Oh, and per your question...all is well in Motoyama, I even have a half-written post that, with good luck, might get finished in the reasonably near future, so keep your fingers crossed. :)