Sunday, July 15, 2007

More quick then normal

Sandra & I have been at the internet cafe for over 2,5 hours just trying to get though the mail (Sandra) and finding a way to update my blog (me). The internet is even more slow then normal lately so gettign online is really a test of patience. Sandra once told me that she spend a complete schoolperiod (45 minutes + 10 minutes breaktime) online and had just gotten to the sign-in page for her mail. Soooo fustrating. But the internet cafe\'s aren\'t much faster lately. And aparently blogger is on the blacklist or so. Like Gmail. So you need to go through al these hoops to find a backdoor since half the time the hoop you used last week has been blocked and you just try another one until you\'ve found one that works. sandra usually picks up the new one in the internet cafe so when the internet connection at school is working a bit, she can at least read the emails (replying is another matter).

Anyways, we\'re all doing good. Sandra\'s adjusted more or less to her new job. The kids are wonderful most of the time. Sometimes of course there is trouble. Kids will be kids. She\'s giving them a test this week since there\'ll be a parent-teacher meeting soon (next week or maybe the week after. It depends whether or not another teacher will take Sandra\'s friday since she replaced this teacher 2 weekends ago when she wanted to go to Bangkok to meet her brother who was there for work and she was supposed to teach the weekend courses. Sandra said later that it was an interesting experience to teach the weekend kids but she\'ll never do it again. A whole week at school, then weekend classes in the morning on saturday and sunday followed by another whole week of school... She was exhausted at the end of the second week). Anyways, the parent-teacher meeting will be another interesting experience. Most kids come from rich(er) families and some of the parents can be particular Sandra has heard from the teachers who were here last year already. She\'s looking forward to aquiring a few strange stories hereself......

The apartment is wonderful. It is amasing how much one can enjoy a space of their own after 2,5 years of traveling around. Sandra made the mashed potatoe she wanted to make so much. And we\'ve found a place where we can buy cheese. Even a decent choice of it (10 or so). Of course hugely expensive but every once in a while we think it is worth the money. And there is also cheese in the big supermarket not too far from our apartment. Most of it is of the more-then-vland variety but one or 2 options are palatable. Again way of the money scale but still.

Ok, a quick end to this since the clock is ticking and it\'ll cost me at least 10 minutes to post this and log out again. Oh well....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He grote Nicht !
Ik kreeg deze webpagina door van Aranka, die heb ik teruggevonden op Zo te lezen gaat het goed met je! Eerlijk gezegd had ik geen flauw benul meer waar je ter wereld rondzworf, maar je hebt een stekkie gevonden??

Hier in Nederland (wat klinkt dat suf dan) gaat het ook goed. Ik ga binnenkort ook weer samenwonen, dus jaja, de wonderen zijn de wereld nog niet uit.

Hoop wat van je te horen! Misschien ook leuk om op hyves te komen? mijn mail is

Groetjes van je kleine nichtje