When we came back from Bagan to Yangon we suddenly at around 9 o'clock saw a lot of smoke from the front of the bus at one side (our side). we thought the tire had exploded or something similar but it was a little bit different . A broken shock breaker. And as you can see it wasn't something that could easily be solved.So first a fire was made next to the road so other cars would see the bus and we got a bit of warmth (it was a tiny bit chilly). Amasing how some people love the boy-scout thing.. It was always the same people who tended the fire and went for more wood. Eventually most of us retired into the bus and caught a few hours of sleep. The new bus had to come all the way from Bagan (which we had left 6 hours behind us before the breakdown) so somewhere in the middle of the night/early morning we and all our luggage got transferred. 23 hours after we left Bagan we came to Yangon. And we still considered ourselves lucky. We had a very good driver who had been able to keep the bus on the road even when it slightly curved (if he hadn't.. there would have been a hug tree in our path).
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