Monday, February 12, 2007

OK, no more promises

Of updating the pages with the pictures of France & the Netherlands. In Vientiane we eventually didn't have enough time. I tried but it took forever and then some to upload so i had to cancel. And on the way back to Chiang Mai it was soooo cold in the airco (read:freezer) bus that Sandra has been in bed with a cold for the last couple of days. So no going to the internet. We did move 'appartments' that is to say, Kyaw Kyaw moved our stuff. Now we are in a room that has an internet connection so maybe i manage this time. Today Sandra finally felt good enough to work on it. And it works.

The waterboiler has been used/abused intensively these days. Sandra kept drinking hot tea with honey because of a bad throat. kyaw Kyaw loves some of the instant noodles we now can make. At first he didn't really understand why having such a household item could be usefull. He never knew of a waterboiler before. But i think he is now the biggest fan. Instant noodles, tea, instant cappucino. Brilliant... Now we don't have to leave every time we want to drink something warm. Or in the evenings sometimes we're just a bit peckish. Instant noodles do fine then...

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