The same day i wrote the last update here, Sandra ended up in hospital. Something about her blood wasn't right anymore all of a sudden. And they were a bit in a hurry. I just managed to hop in her pack and get myself a lift to hospital. She'd almot forgotten about me.

The next day she was allowed to try and get Xenne out herself but when that took way to long (she had no activity whatsoever yet), it was decided a casaerian was in order. So that's how Xenne came into this world. And what a beautiful present he is.

We all stayed in hopital till last sunday.

Isn'the cute?

Time of birth. Thanks to a girl who was allowed into the operation room as part of her practise and who was willing to make some pictures.... Skunks weren't allowed in at all. I even had to have a bath in the washing machine before i was allowed out of my bag.... But that humiliation was worth it.

Getting dressed

First clothes

And a nice little bed to recover from the journey.
More posts and definitely more pictures soon
Hallo neefje Xenne.. Wat ben je toch een mooi mannetje... Wordt je een beetje verwend daar? En ben je al een beetje aan de grote wereld gewend? En hoe is het met je moeder?
Mijn mama heeft hele leuke foto's op mijn internetsite gezet van ons.
De foto's op deze site zijn ook heel erg mooi.
Nou ook namens mijn papa en mama geniet van elkaar tot de volgende keer. Liefs, Isa en Aranka en Chielber
Welcome, Xenne! And Congratulations mama Sandra & papa Kyaw Kyaw! And congrats, too, uncle Stinker (or is it brother/cousin?). I bet you look just like new after your washing machine bath. :)
Dima & I loved the photos, but can't wait to meet the little guy in person. So, does this mean we need to head over to Europe, Burma or somewhere else? Or, any chance the new family will be passing through Seattle one day?
We're so happy for all of you. Glad to see that the birth went safely and you are all well.
Best wishes!!
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