Sunday, April 06, 2008

Electricity, or more the lack of it

We've been staying a little over 2 weeks at our new apartment and i finally managed to figure out the power-supply. We have 2 non-power days with the power coming on at around 5-6 in the evening. On the 3rd day however anywhere between 10 and 12 the power comes back on and we will have it till 5-6 in the evening. After that, we're in the complete dark. Literally. So Sandra has bought a fair amount of candles and we now also have 2 rechargeable lights that we can take all through the house. Which is a must since Sandra tells me it is very difficult to make a bottle of baby food if you can't see what you are doing. And cleaning dirty baby bottems is also not easy without light. But other inconveniences are that the fridge is off for at least a couple of hours every day (there is always electricity again at night after 11 which lasts till you can almost see what you are doing in the morning, which is around 5.30). So things as yoghurt, milk or even left overs that need to be cold can't be kept. And sandra & KK put the water bottles in the freezer so they have cold water at least. And half the time we can't use our rice-cooker and the mixer (for nice juicy juices). I think (and Sandra agrees with me) that the power supply rotates between the neighbourhoods since whenever we have no power in the evening we can see 2 pagoda's lit-up and on at least one night that we have power, the pagoda's are invisible.

Of course it is high summer and it is bloody hot and we all hope that the supply will be more available once the rainy season has started (late may).

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