Saturday, February 24, 2007


Well, we're all busy at the moment. Kyaw Kyaw goes to school 6 days a week. English & Thai classes. And he takes massage classes 3 mornings of the week. Sandra does the same massage classes but does apart from the Thai massage course also a footmassage course. And she is going to Burmese classes at the educational centre. Besides that, she teaches english there 2 evenings per week, intermediate level. They have a book to study from but since the taperecorder is broken and many of the excercises need the tape, she hasn't been using this book much. Frans & me are of course taking part in all massage courses. We especially like GETTING them.... and so me usually volunteer if someone needs to be practised on. All in all, we have enough to do.


Anonymous said...

looks like you are getting settled a bit!

Anonymous said...

Too busy to update your pages? You can't keep me coming back without any new adventures to read! (and no news is just that, no news, and no way to turn it into good news)