Monday, December 03, 2007

After the weekend

KK and Sandra are feeling a bit better. Or maybe i should say that they've started to accept the situation. Sandra's flying back to the Netherlands this weekend or shortly after. I'll go with here. KK will move to the Teashop since the apaprtment has only been rented till the 20th of december and besides, he doesn't want to stay there alone.

We all went to the Thai embassy today and to our great surprise there was absolutely no problem with the visa application. At least, that was the impression we got. KK didn't need to show the flight tickets. And they sai dthat they didn't even need a copy of Sandra's passport and the bill of the hospital this time. All because Kyaw Kyaw didn't stay a long time in october. But if this time he will stay long (in case Sandra can have the baby there and so on and so forth) we'll need to have the documentation so we can explain why. Then there shouldn't be too much of a problem. Good news which was nice to have after the fiasco of last week.

Sandra thinks it is a very strange idea to be back in the Netherlands soon. Somehow she stil can't imagine it even though she's managed to find sweaters and a jacket that'll fit right on the corner near where they live. She found it a rather funny experience trying on the sweaters and jacket with an easy 28-30 degrees celcius and thinking about how cold it could get in Europe. After a year of no less than 30 C again it will be a bit different. Although i personally think that the temperature has dropped to about 26 or so at night. We sleep with the windows open and Kyaw Kyaw has 2 (thin) blanckets and even Sandra uses the one she got from Gulf Air last year since she thinks it is a bit cool... Me, i just curl up.

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