Sandra has our tickets so the 2 of us will be leaving this saturday. She tries not to think of leaving to much even though i can tell she's looking forward to seeing all her friends and family again. Apparently there are no more seats available on the evening flight so we're on standby for that one and are for the moment booked on the morning flight (at around 10) to Bangkok. There we'll have to wait till 02.30 sunday morning to catch the China Airlines non-stop, 12 hour flight to Amsterdam where we'll land on sunday morning 9.00. Aren't time-differences much fun.....
Today we were too late for the german embassy (they're only open from 9 to 11 and not 12 as most consular sections are). So we have to go back again tomorrow. The doctor wasn't in today either so we also have to go by the hospital so she can get her health certificate (Thai airways doesn't want to issue a ticket if she doesn't show the certificate even though the travel agency has already accepted the money ;-) ) . She's assuming it'll all be ok though. And we still haven't found a decent suitcase... Oh well....
was van plan je op schiphol te komen begroeten, maar na een uur proberen heb ik nog steeds geen bus/trein verbinding gevonden die mij op tijd kan laten komen... Fijn, dat ov, vooral met extra vertragingen door geplande werkzaamheden en een dienstregeling die op zondag veel te laat op gang komt.
Hoi Sandra, We komen je ophalen van Schiphol en zullen ook een winterjas mee nemen. Het is hier nogal winderig en fris.
We verheugen ons erg op je komst en tot zondag.
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